Archive for August 26, 2009

Små Blå…

… is the most delicious thing Ever.

So yesterday was “buddy dinner” where my buddy and a couple others made a Ton of lasagna. No, seriously, there was so much it was ridiculous. And I kind of miss eating real food so I ate 3.5 squares of lasagna (which is just over half a pan.) Oops. Fattehhhh. And a lot of chips. Which is good, because it cushioned my stomach for all the liquor coming after it (not entirely by choice, it’s evidently very Danish to drink a lot.) Aside from the part where my Danish diet is now epic fail and I am well on my way to junior-fifteen-ing. And I learned a dice game called 30 which, again, involves drinking. Do you spot a common theme? Haha. Well, I wanted to go home at around 1230 or 130 or so, and there’s this guy P who lives in my res so we were going to go home together, and the entire time he was like don’t worry the metro is close, and then at 330 a Dane (his name is Hans Christian! How very Danish) was leaving and I was like ok this is ridiculous I am going home. And P didn’t end up going home anyway so I could’ve left earlier. Sigh. Well, HC walked me to the metro, since he lived nearby, and then he biked home. I, on the other hand, spent forever in transit because the freaking metro never comes late at night and I had to transfer and.. blah. So it took me 30+ minutes to get home instead of like.. 15.

Look, it's me! In the reflection! Dangling on the metal bar thing! There aren't any seats in the metro station itself, which sucks when you have to wait for 17 minutes. On a side note, the bars in the train itself are impossibly tall, I have to do some serious tippy toe-ing just to grab it (and not securely either!) I am jealous of the consistently tall and beautiful Danish folk.

Look, it's me! In the reflection! Dangling on the metal bar thing! There aren't any seats in the metro station itself, which sucks when you have to wait for 17 minutes. On a side note, the bars in the train itself are impossibly tall, I have to do some serious tippy toe-ing just to grab it (and not securely either!) I am jealous of the consistently tall and beautiful Danish folk.

I'm bored, I shall therefore camho! It seemed appropriate to document my sad self sitting alone in the metro.

I'm bored, I shall therefore camho! It seemed appropriate to document my sad self sitting alone in the metro.

Pretty dangerous considering my physical inept-ness. Fortunately not drunk, so it wasn't really an issue.

Pretty dangerous considering my physical inept-ness. Fortunately not drunk, so it wasn't really an issue.

Yes.. it was indeed 3:30+, I exaggerate not. This is while waiting for the train.. yep. Not fun. Nothing better to look at.

Yes.. it was indeed 3:30+, I exaggerate not. This is while waiting for the train.. yep. Not fun. Nothing better to look at.

There's a cool TV thing you can look at while waiting for the train but A) it's in Danish B) it's ads.

There's a cool TV thing you can look at while waiting for the train but A) it's in Danish B) it's ads.

Looks like someone had a bit much to drink.. No idea who left that stain but uh, ew.

Looks like someone had a bit much to drink.. No idea who left that stain but uh, ew.

Also, lesson from the Danes: I am in fact correct in pronouncing it Co-pen-hay-gen (which is English, in Danish it’s pronounced co-pen-haun.. ish), so all of you people who are trying to sound pretentious and European by saying Co-pen-haaaah-gen, HAH!

PS: In retrospect I seriously regret not taking pictures of the lasagna. It was so good and filling and hot and … ahhh!